Category blogs

How to Prepare for a Trip to the Venado Caves

Exploring the Venado Caves is an exciting adventure that takes you through underground passages and impressive chambers. To make the most of your excursion, it’s important to be well-prepared. Here’s a guide to ensure your visit is safe and memorable.…

Reconnect with Nature in Costa Rica

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of spending time outside. Costa Rica, with its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife, offers a perfect environment for reconnecting with nature. Here are some key benefits of being in nature.…

San Carlos at Night: Fun After Sunset

San Carlos in Costa Rica is a special place that glows even when the moon is out. This place, full of beautiful views and traditions, is great for those who enjoy night time and culture. Let’s explore its amazing nightlife…

Journey to the Past: Historical Sites in San Carlos

San Carlos, Costa Rica, is more than just a tourist destination known for its spectacular landscapes. It is also a place rich in history and worth exploring. Join us on a journey through time as we discover some of San…

La Fortuna for Beginners: Tips for Your First Trip

If this is your first visit, here are some tips to help you make the most of your trip. Plan your trip during the dry season The best time to visit La Fortuna is during the dry season, from December…

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